The Model Mama



It’s the perfect ending to  a busy day - all the bubbles and a healthy boost to your immune system. Plus, let’s be real, everything tastes better out of a wine glasses! Kick your feet up and indulge guilt free...


My new favorite way to unwind at the end of the day is with a full glass of KOMBUCHA. Previously, if I needed of a night-cap, my go-to was almost always red wine. However, I recently plugged this “super power” beverage into my nighttime routine and I’m loving it!

Another reason I’m obsessing over this bubbly beverage is it’s a proven immune booster – woo hoo! With an oh-so-curious toddler that just started preschool, germs are truly unavoidable. Washing our hands as much as possible is the name of the game…but my immune system needs all the help it can get.


What makes these slightly pricey beverages totally worth it is they contain lots of healthy bacteria (also known as probiotics) as well as tons of vitamins and amino acids. Drinking a wine glass full of Kombucha before bed will help us, Mamas, maintain optimal immune health.

I don’t know about you, but being sick while taking care of a little one is truly awful. Sadly, most Mamas (like me) don’t get to call in sick! Whatever it takes to prevent that from happening… I’m 1,000% onboard.


And for whatever reason, when I drink one of these tart treats out of a large stemmed glass, I swear it feels like I’m tricking myself into thinking it’s an alcoholic beverage (hooray). Some say there are trace amounts of alcohol in these babies. If the buzz is what your after, start chugging away with no mama guilt lurking around the corner.

Below are some of my favorite brands with the highest quality of raw, non-GMO and gluten-free ingredients. You can thank me later… I just like to keep it RAW and REAL for all you Modern Mamas out there.


Also how cute is this dress!


XO, Tara (1).png