The Model Mama


HEALTHY MAMATara LawlerComment

Ok Mamas, I don’t know about you, but my busy little one has been refusing to eat breakfast lately. Not because he’s not hungry, more so because he is just too excited to play with toys or pretend he’s a superhero (ha!).  Basically anything other than actually sitting down to eat. This dilemma calls for some serious Mama creativity…. 


 As luck would have it, I was invited to this Fashion Mamas event that led me to my innovative breakfast solution. It was an opportunity to network with other entrepreneurial mamas and try new products in various categories. This event was an extra fun because I got to bring my curious little one along for the ride.


 Minutes after arriving, I looked over and noticed my buddy had already found the food sampling section and was guzzling these “Tiny Giants” plant based yogurt pouches. My little, big guy, insisted on trying every flavor. In the end, the Vanana Banana and Berry Fly were his favorites. I was so excited to learn about these new healthy snack packs that clearly had my toddlers full attention. I excitedly introduced myself to the co-founder, Danielle. She was managing The Tiny Giants display table. 


 We immediately hit it off, so much so, Danielle will be a guest on my show this season. Woo Who! We will be talking all about her journey to launching her innovative snack brand for kids and her favorite recipes to incorporate her healthy yogurt pouches.


 This got me thinking… about my breakfast concern.  What if, in order to get Henry to actually eat breakfast in the morning, I create a truly healthy, nutrient packed smoothie that incorporated these “toddler approved” plant-based yogurt pouches, -AND- tasted like a chocolate Milkshake??? 


 If I know one thing, it’s that my little one won’t say, “No” to anything with chocolate. Yes, he got that from his Mama. #guilty 

Here it is, my modern mamas…. My MockChocolate Milkshake that has both me and my little one smiling each morning.

+ 1 Tiny Giant yogurt pouch – boosts immunity and improves gut health

+ 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk – low in sugar

+ 1 cup frozen berries – excellent antioxidant + high in fiber

+ ½ a banana – high in vitamin C, potassium 

+ 1 tablespoon Cacao Powder -  for that healthy chocolatey boost full of antioxidants. 

+ Chia seeds – plant based superfood that’s high in Omega-3’s, fiber and protein.

+ ½ scoop Chocolate Protein Powder (loving this one)  

+ 1 or 2 dates - for added natural sweetness

XO, Tara.png